Accelerated English

Welcome to the Accelerated English Program at the International School of Greenville (ISG), designed to empower students from Nursery to High School with exceptional English language proficiency. Our comprehensive program is tailored to foster linguistic excellence, cultural appreciation, and global communication skills.

Early Foundations (K2 to K5):

In the early years, our program focuses on building a strong foundation in English through interactive storytelling, engaging activities, and age-appropriate language exercises. We cultivate a love for language and communication, laying the groundwork for future language development.

Elementary Years (Grades 1 to 5):

As students progress through the primary years, the Accelerated English Program emphasizes language fluency, reading comprehension, and effective written expression. Our curriculum integrates literature, creative writing, and collaborative projects to enhance communication skills in various contexts.

Middle School (Grades 6 to 8):

In the middle school phase, the program expands to include critical thinking and analytical writing. Students delve into literature from diverse cultures, participate in debates, and explore real-world applications of English in different subjects. Emphasis is placed on honing academic language skills.

High School (Grades 9 to 12):

The high school program prepares students for advanced language proficiency, equipping them for academic success and global communication. Literature analysis, advanced writing, and preparation for standardized tests are integral components, ensuring students are well-prepared for higher education.

Enrichment Activities:

Beyond the classroom, ISG provides a variety of enrichment activities such as clubs, public speaking, and international exchange programs. These opportunities allow students to apply their language skills in real-world scenarios, fostering cultural awareness and global citizenship.

Multilingual Exposure:

ISG values multilingualism, and our Accelerated English Program integrates opportunities for students to explore additional languages. Language exposure broadens perspectives, enhances cognitive abilities, and opens doors to diverse cultural experiences.

Support and Differentiation:

Recognizing that each student learns uniquely, our program offers support and differentiation strategies. Language teachers work closely with students to provide tailored assistance, ensuring every student achieves their full linguistic potential.

Continuous Assessment and Progress Tracking:

Our program includes regular assessments and progress tracking to monitor each student's development. Parent-teacher communication is encouraged to ensure collaborative support for the student's language journey.

Join us at ISG, where the Accelerated English Program is more than language acquisition; it's a journey of exploration, expression, and excellence. Prepare your child for a future of limitless possibilities with the power of language.

*Students who are able to attain a certain level of French may be able to eventually test into the French Baccalaureate Program.